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Divorce Financial Planning

Are you struggling with financial concerns in your divorce? Are you ready to end the uncertainty? Reach out to 老葡京手机app’s credentialed divorce financial planning team; let us guide you toward the most secure and comfortable outcome possible.

当你还是个孩子的时候,经历离婚就像发现自己在泳池的深水区一样. 你不会游泳,也不知道自己会不会受伤. 成年人在经历离婚等痛苦事件时的情绪是一样的, 尤其是当你财务状况的不确定性可能使未来看起来相当可怕的时候.

Fortunately, someone is here to help. Councilor, Buchanan & 老葡京手机app(老葡京手机app)经验丰富的离婚支持专家已经帮助数百名离婚人士度过了一个独特的艰难和复杂的情况,为他们现在和未来的福利找到了最好的经济结果.

Our team members, including certified public accountants (CPAs), certified divorce financial analysts (CDFAs®), 注册财务规划师(CFPs®)和注册欺诈审查员(CFEs), 他们的大部分职业生涯都专门用于与离婚客户合作,并制定策略,以消除对你未来财务状况的不确定性. 我们的团队为您解答令人困惑的财务问题,帮助您了解伴随离婚而来的税务问题.

More Than Just Numbers People

divorce 诉讼 woman hugging counselor image

老葡京手机app is not just a team of number crunchers. 我们认识到离婚对你的情感影响更广泛,并将公开沟通,帮助你理解这个过程. We’ve compassionately helped clients through many life transitions, including divorce, and we understand what you’re experiencing.

然而, 我们也知道我们的工作是用客观的角度全面地处理你的情况. 我们将始终致力于帮助您达到最佳的财务结果,并避免可能导致昂贵的情绪化决策的风险, regrettable mistakes.

Industry Involvement

When you choose 老葡京手机app, 你选择的是一家声誉良好的公司,在华盛顿与离婚相关的行业团体中有着深厚的联系, DC metropolitan region and nationally. 我们的团队成员定期在董事会和委员会任职, and present regularly to other professionals in the divorce field. 老葡京手机app的离婚金融服务集团建立了一个广泛的律师网络, social workers, 心理健康专家和其他我们持续合作的人,因为我们了解他们能为客户提供的服务的价值和质量.

(Right): 老葡京手机app Senior Manager Jamie Blum presents on February 4, 2022 for the University of Maryland Francis King Carey School of Law. 

Industry Affiliations


Is your divorce not going as smoothly as you want it to?

In the most desirable circumstances, 你和你的离婚伴侣可以通过深思熟虑的计划来避免痛苦和昂贵的争吵, fairness and open communications. 有时, 然而, 这种情况不是一个选择,你可能需要冲突调解,甚至, if the divorce becomes particularly contentious, some form of 诉讼.

Conflict Resolution

Emotions can run high during a divorce, 让你和你的伴侣难以做出可以接受的决定. 如果你的目标是避免潜在的昂贵的诉讼和法律系统, 如果你觉得第三方的参与可以帮助你们双方在离婚期间公平分配你们的金融资产, 老葡京手机app’s trained conflict mediators can provide a solution. Read more here.

Litigation Support

有时, 你和你的离婚伴侣不能就分居条款达成一致, even with the assistance of a mediator. 如果你不相信你会得到公平的财产份额,或者如果你怀疑你的伴侣没有透露影响最终离婚协议的信息, you may choose to litigate. Here again, 老葡京手机app can assist. Read more here.

Additional Areas of Expertise

老葡京手机app的离婚服务团队可以将您推荐给在其他领域具有宝贵专业知识的同事. They can assist as you’re going through the divorce process.

离婚是一件复杂的事情,你绝对不想在没有帮助的情况下发现自己. 联系 one of our professionals now.

Law Office of Regina DeMeo

我很幸运能与Debbie May和Jane Ochsman Rowny一起处理离婚案件超过十年. 他们在和解讨论和帮助我的客户准备预算方面发挥了重要作用 & other financial docs needed either in court or mediation. They are always professional, 注重细节,能够解释复杂的问题,让每个人都满意.

老葡京手机app divorce client


老葡京手机app Divorce Client

我衷心感谢您在过去18个月里的支持. 你们的工作一直是清晰、客观、基于证据和支持的.

老葡京手机app Divorce Client

Thank you for your dedication, 智慧和专业知识帮助我度过了这个过程.  你的知识、帮助和同情帮助我接受了这次离婚,帮助我和我的配偶达到了一个友好的地步,从此开始我们的生活.

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